From Putting My Feet in the Dirt, August’s Writing prompts.
Today, “BFF – Bucket filling friend”.
Well, my bucket filling friend, fill that bucket up with your famous recipe chicken. Thighs and legs, please. Is it sad that KFC is my new BFF? Or, really, would it be sad? Probably, considering the last time we ha KFC, Kevin got food poisoning, and since I am gluten free now, we can no longer indulge anyway. Really for the best. Maybe it’s time to fulfill a little of that craving though and make some oven fried chicken with gluten free flour. I have definitely digressed, and am now hungry. Thanks BFF prompt!
Aug 3
Here is City Sonnet’s win10搭建ssr!
Today’s theme is: Fresh.
As in Fresh asparagus!
Aug 3
And now, from Jo Hawk, the 2025 Daily Writing Challenge, for win10搭建ssr!
For my writing challenge, I am going to be working with daily prompts from the book “The Daily Writer: 365 Meditations to Cultivate a Productive and Meaningful Writing Life.”
So, today is: Acting upon Resolutions, meaning my resolution to write something every day, and by doing so, improving my writing and increasing the amount I actually write.
Now, obviously this isn’t a New Year’s resolution. Or maybe it is – it kind of feels like a new year given the current 2025 circumstances. Although I guess we still don’t know if or when this pandemic will subside, or if it will take off again over the next few weeks. I do know work, which begins for me again tomorrow…sigh…, will be crazy given most of our courses are moving online for the Fall, and I am not convinced most instructors really know what that means.
But, I digress. My resolution/goal for the month of August is to write more, and write more coherently, and write more words, and while I continue to do my morning pages and journal, I need some accountability for my writing, which is why I am writing here for all of you to read.
Finding space and time is not a problem. The problem is making the time and sticking to it. Even when things are in my calendar, unless they are connected to events involving others, I am not the most consistent with task mastery. Maybe this time will be different (hope I didn’t just jinx it by saying that). It’s really just up to me. One day, one week, one month at a time and we will see. Can’t do any more than that!
Vultr搭建SSR梯子-2021年新手快速科学上网(带BBR加速 ...:2021-10-29 · 2021年如何利用vultr云服务器搭建ssr梯子快速科学上网呢?看这一篇教程就够了。本方法支持多人使用、同时支持安卓移动手机端和PC端、也支持MAC用户和IOS用户使用。 声明:本教程只用于学习,请读者遵守中国互联网法。 下面就是2021年用vultr ...
Aug 3
Here is today’s post for Emma David Camera Club, remembering that August is all about the 30 Days of Composition.
Every day is a new theme, but I am also challenging myself with an overall theme for the month, Around the House (and Yard), and some weekly sub-themes, this week’s being Black and White.
So, today the theme is Negative space: “The area between elements in your image (often between subject and background) is called negative space, or white space, and it is just as important as the subject itself. It has a shape, and adds to the emotional impact of your shot.”
Aug 3
Cee’s Flower of the Day.
Black and White Flowers.
From windows搭建ssr教程, August’s Writing prompts.
Today, “Delights and deliciousness”.
Nothing compares to the delights and deliciousness of indulging in crab cakes at the fire table in the evening while Kevin bbq’s our main course. The perfect way to end the day.
Aug 2
A response in starting over with a new daily avoidance (or non-avoidance, as the case may be), here with the Ragtag Daily Prompt , today is 谷歌云搭建ssr教程
Windows系统服务器vps搭建ssr服务端并在本地连接ssr《亲 ...:2021-2-26 · 未经允许不得转载:作者:帝一, 转载或复制请伡 超链接形式 并注明出处 帝一天博。 原文地址:《Windows系统服务器vps搭建ssr服务端并在本地连接ssr《亲测》加服务器端口放行教程》 发布于2021-02-22, 本文最后更新于2021年2月26日,已超过101天没有更新,如果文章内容失效,请反馈给我 …
Fandango’s One Word Challenge: Pizzazz
Aug 2
“Welcome to Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (aka, FOWC). It’s designed to fill the void after WordPress bailed on its daily one-word prompt. Today’s word is “Pizzazz”.
Crab cakes with a little pizzazz…
August Photo a Day Challenge, Day 2: Birds
Aug 2
Here is City Sonnet’s August Photo a Day Challenge!
Today’s theme is: Birds.